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This is the relevant part of the grammar: bridi-tail = bridi-tail-1 [gihek [stag] KE # bridi-tail /KEhE#/ tail-terms] bridi-tail-1 = bridi-tail-2 [gihek # bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] ... bridi-tail-2 = bridi-tail-3 [gihek [stag] BO # bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] bridi-tail-3 = selbri tail-terms | gek-sentence selbri = [tag] [NA # [tag]] ... selbri-2 selbri-2 = selbri-3 [CO # selbri-2] If the negation of the first connectand is to have scope over the connective, the grammar should be fixed to: bridi-tail = [selbri-tag] bridi-tail-1 [gihek [stag] KE # bridi-tail /KEhE#/ tail-terms] bridi-tail-1 = bridi-tail-2 [gihek # [selbri-tag] bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] ... bridi-tail-2 = bridi-tail-3 [gihek [stag] BO # [selbri-tag] bridi-tail-2 tail-terms] bridi-tail-3 = selbri tail-terms | gek-sentence selbri-tag = tag | [tag] (NA # [tag]) ... selbri = selbri-3 [CO # selbri] Since it would be easy to fix, and the grammar takes so much trouble to get the scopes of KE and BO right, it would seem that the intention at least was for {gi'e} to be symmetric. If not, it is a bug and should be fixed. Unless somehow this fix won't work, but I can't see any reason why it wouldn't. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month.� Try MSN! http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/2monthsfree.asp