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Re: [jboske] ke'a/ce'u subscripting

In a message dated 10/16/2002 6:40:02 PM Central Daylight Time, arosta@hidden.email writes:

The solution I described in my original message is a general solution
(ke'a/ce'u goi ko'a zo'u): viz., ke'a/ce'u belong to the localmost candidate bridi they occur in.

I agree that backcounting is nightmarish if it's not made fundamental to the language.

It would be nightmarish to make it fundamental to the language (sadistic, too).  We all agree that forethoughting is a general solution except for the forethoughting part and that the usual afterthought devices won't work (unless you mean those three-levels-up --and two-places--over types that are even less practical than straight back-counting).