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Sorry 'bout that HI everyone, I just found out tonight that I received a virus from soneone that has my name in his e-mail address book. As a result, my address book on which I have your e-mail address has also been infected by a virus called jdbgmgr.exe. This virus is not detected by Norton or McAfee antivirus system. The virus stays quiet for 14 days before damaging the system. It is sent automatically by Messenger and by the address book, whether or not I have sent e-mails recently to you. I found and deleted the virus. Here is what you need to do: 1. Go to Start, Find or Search option 2. In the files/folder option write the name jdbgmgr.exe 3. Be sure you search in your "C" drive 4 Click "find now" 5. The virus has a little bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT 6. Right click and delete it ( it will then go to the Recycle Bin) 7. Go to the Recycle Bin and delete it there as well - or emply the bin IF YOU FIND THE VIRUS YOU MUST CONTACT ALL THE PEOPLE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK SO THEY CAN ERADICATE IT IN THEIR OWN ADDRESS BOOKS. Sorry for all the trouble. - Steve Turner |