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Re: [lojban] Re: [jboske] RE: Anything but tautologies

la pycyn cusku di'e

But {po'u} is a very sloppy way of specifying the function you have just decided to name -- presumably that specification is the central act here. I might think moving fancu 4 to 2 made sense, but not putting it in as an incidental.

If {po'u} sounds too incidental, then you can use {gi'e du}:

fy fancu ro namcu pa namcu gi'e du le du'u makau sumji ce'u li pa

And if it is just an assignment, {goi} might even make more sense.

<I take it you mean {lo'i numcu}. {lo'e numcu}, the archetype number,
is perfectly fine in my preferred way.>

Not obviously. It seems to say only that the typical number (but not others) is mapped, or that numbers are typically, but perhaps not always, mapped. Very inexact.

I don't take {lo'e} to be just the typical. I've told you this
so many times already that I don't know what's the use of saying
it again. To me {fy fancu lo'e namcu lo'e namcu} means "F maps
numbers to numbers". I agree it is inexact, but useful to distinguish
from another function that maps prices to truth values, for

If it is a gappy, wandering thing, then probably you just
take a small manageble superset, since fancu4 will sort it out correctly,
and, of course, it is always lo'i te fancu, circularly enough.

In your interpretation, lo'i te fancu would be the set of all
ranges, not the range.

maps angle measurements from 0 to 90 onto the closed real interval 0-1, but I
am damned if I know anything more detailed about that image  -- and I may
even have that wrong, come to think of it).

No, you got it right. More generally, sin takes any real as an
argument (usually in radians, but conversion to degrees is
trivial). The function is periodic with a period of 2pi, or 360
degrees, onto the interval [-1,1]. The typical wave, I'm sure
you've seen it.

<Instead of {fy fancu lo'i namcu lo'i namcu} you can say
{fy fancu ro namcu pa namcu}. Which also allows you to say
{fy fancu li pa li cici} if you need to single out that value.
How do you say that with the domain/range definition?>

But why would you want to say this last, unless 1 is the only argument this
function takes and 33 is its value for that argument?  This is what you say
using "whizbang" once it has been specified: {li cici uizbangi li pa}, say.

The function might not be important enough to get a full selbri.

Fancu is about the nature of the whole function, not about one case -- cases
are what we have the function itself for.

Then we're missing an important predicate: "x1 maps value x2 to
value x3". I still think that would be the most useful place
structure for {fancu}, and that's how it has mostly been used
as far as x2 and x3 are concerned. (The use of x1 and x4 seems
to vary much more wildly.)

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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