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Re: [engelang] Xorban experimental tense markers

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email>
> wrote:
>> I think usually it would be: "la fa smo'e fa smo'e", since it's not so
>> much simultaneity as happening together that is important.
> The first problem is that this construction will not work for prc and blv.
> The second problem pertains to the semantics of "fV".  In things like "la
> (fa)R(ka) (fa)P(ka)", it's questionable whether the event/SoA "a" restricted
> by R is really the same event in which everything concurrent in the same
> world occurs.  If I am typing an email for Engelang and at the exact same
> moment someone is peeling potatoes in Moscow, or a frozen comet is hurling
> past Pluto, it's not clear that these things are part of the same event. If
> "a" can extend across space in such a manner, then what's stopping it from
> extending across time as well?

In those cases you would use cbn-, that's why I said "usually", when
it's not so much about simultaneity as about happening together. I
think in many uses of Lojban's "ca lo nu" simultaneity is not really
the most important thing.

> ji'a F1 F2
> => la fa F1 le fe F2 cbneka
> ji'i F1 F2
> => la fa F1 le fe F2 prceka
> ji'u F1 F2
> => la fa F1 le fe F2 blveka

Sounds good to me.

co ma'a xrxe