On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 1:32 PM, John E. Clifford
<kali9putra@hidden.email> wrote:
Pity. The second makes some sense, though painfully;the first none at all. From what & says, I gather that the omission is meant to be corrected.
Binding a variable to nothing, particularly when the restriction says nothing as in "sa bbbe ...", is unsettling, though "sa bbba ccce" is probably not so terrible as to be worth the trouble of fixing. If people want to say nonsense or be uncooperative, they will. Xorban allows one to say "All dogs are such that I see you, and some cat is such that John believes there are unicorns." In natural languages like English, "the capital of France is either Paris, Moscow, or Buenos Aires" is true (and annoying at the same time).
co ma'a mke
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