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Am 28.09.2012 20:57, schrieb Mike S.:
mi xagji co'u lo nu [mi] citkaFor any takers, how would the following be translated in Lojban?
1. I will be hungry until I eat.
mi [ca'o] gunka co'a lo nu cikybi'o
2. I have been working since I woke.
mi [ca'o] gunka co'a lo nu co'a ciknalo trene ba tolcliva za lo mentu be li pa no
3. The train (will) arrives in ten minutes.
lo trene pu cliva za lo mentu be li pa no
4. The train departed ten minutes ago.
Yes, you need temci for that.
I note that balvi and purci don't have a place meaning "(later/earlier) by amount of time x3", which would make 3 & 4 pretty straightforward.
mu'o mi'e la selpa'i
Try asking also on Lojban list -- not all competent Lojbanists are here on this list.