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Re: [engelang] Xorban "ju"

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email> wrote:

BTW, is "fa ju F1, F2" equivalent to "je fa F1, fa F2"?

co ma'a xrxe

I'm putting this on the "ju" thread.  The short answer is no, because ju binds its own "fV" and ignores the outer "fa".  However, I think it would be useful to introduce a unary operator that did, say "nu'u" (it need not be the briefest).  Then we can define it such that it could do, among many other things,

fa nu'u je F1 F2 => je fa F1 fa F2

where F1 and F2 were simple formulas.  In general, "fa nu'u F" would distribute "fa" down to all simple formulas within F, exempting restrictions within nested bindings as usual.

Here's the longer answer, and maybe this will help explain "ju".  Let's assume there was a unary operator "nu'u" that given an outer "fa" recursively transformed its formula complement as required by the formal semantics of "ju".  Then a ju-formula could be defined by the transformation, selecting some unique anonymous variable V, as follows:

ju F1 F2 => lV svV je  fV nu'u F1  fV nu'u F2

where “svV” means “V is a composed/simultaneous event”.

The "nu'u" transformations can be defined as follows:

fV nu'u simple-F => fV simple-F

fV nu'u N F => N fV nu'u F

*fV nu'u ju F1 F2 => je fV nu'u F1 fV nu'u F2

fV nu'u J F1 F2 => J fV nu'u F1 fV nu'u F2

fV nu'u B R P => B R fV nu'u P

*It dawns on me this transformation should be blocked until inner "ju" is processed.

F, F1, F2, R, P: any formula
N: unary operator except nu'u
J: any j- operator except ju
B any binding operator