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Jorge Llamb�as, On 18/09/2012 00:16:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:01 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:Yes it is good. The essay ends, BTW, by noting correctly that bcdo'eko'e cannot be "lo'e smo'e bcdo'eko'e".I think it can be, because "lo'e smo'e" is the ultimate myopic singularization, but I know everyone (starting with pc) will want to throw stones at me for saying that. pnja'ako'eko'e "I put things on things."
Aagh, yes, you're right. Well, it's a sound argument at least. Is "I put stuff on stuff" equivalent to "I put stuff on itself" in a context in which there is nothing that is not stuff? Probably yes. This reminds me, indirectly, of contrasts like Only Bush voted for himself. Only Bush voted for Bush/him. Only he voted for him. Only Charles remembers marrying Diana. [true] Only Charles remembers him marrying Diana. [false] The first of each pair involves just a bound variable. The second of each pair I would do using hc- the haecceity predicate: la qbushqa ri prni [votes for]ika hcaki "Only Bush voted for Bush2 ra prna [vote for]aka qbushqa "Only Bush voted for himself"