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Re: [engelang] xorban summary

Jorge Llamb�as, On 18/09/2012 00:16:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:01 PM, And Rosta<and.rosta@hidden.email>  wrote:

Yes it is good.

The essay ends, BTW, by noting correctly that bcdo'eko'e cannot be "lo'e
smo'e bcdo'eko'e".

I think it can be, because "lo'e smo'e" is the ultimate myopic
singularization, but I know everyone (starting with pc) will want to
throw stones at me for saying that.

"I put things on things."

Aagh, yes, you're right. Well, it's a sound argument at least.

Is "I put stuff on stuff" equivalent to "I put stuff on itself" in a context in which there is nothing that is not stuff? Probably yes.

This reminds me, indirectly, of contrasts like

Only Bush voted for himself.
Only Bush voted for Bush/him. Only he voted for him.

Only Charles remembers marrying Diana. [true]
Only Charles remembers him marrying Diana. [false]

The first of each pair involves just a bound variable. The second of each pair I would do using hc- the haecceity predicate:

la qbushqa ri prni [votes for]ika hcaki
"Only Bush voted for Bush2

ra prna [vote for]aka qbushqa
"Only Bush voted for himself"