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Re: [engelang] xorban summary

Yes it is good.

The essay ends, BTW, by noting correctly that bcdo'eko'e cannot be "lo'e smo'e bcdo'eko'e".

Jorge Llamb�as, On 17/09/2012 23:16:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Mike S.<maikxlx@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:54 PM, John E Clifford<kali9putra@hidden.email>

I can't pretend that I have fought through all the muck yet, but I have
enough so that I have a basis into which to put corrections and comments on
what is missing.  Thanks

This is a good, constructive overview of what's been designed so far, and
it fills a needed gap, namely something to orient beginners and newcomers.
I wonder if Jorge would think it's a good idea to create an "About" page at
Xorban.wordpress.com.  Then he could link


which definitely of value, stipulating that it's John Clifford's
commentary.   I created a template for my own commentary at


which contains no commentary yet, but may contain some in the future.

Done: http://xorban.wordpress.com/about/

co ma'a xrxe