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Re: [engelang] Xorban vocative, d- & m-

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:33 AM, And Rosta <and.rosta@hidden.email> wrote:
> Mike S., On 15/09/2012 05:56:
> > Do we have any way of indicating something like a vocative i.e. "hey,
> > you" or "yo, And"?
> No, none has been proposed yet. Presumably, these expressions would
> contain an illocutionary of various sorts -- greeting the addressee,
> attracting the attention of the intended addressee, identifying the
> addressee (to make it clear which of various hearers is the intended
> addressee), expressing some kind of unasserted attitude to the addressee
> ("It's bedtime now, darling") -- some with a complement and some without.

The vocative marker will need to bind a variable, so I propose "cekV":

ceka ga ma ndi ma mke, cu znre'e?
And and Mike, do you approve?

The formal definition of "cekV" I suppose would be something like:

cekV (formula):= ca lV (formula) tvla'akV
"I'm hereby talking to the one(s) that ..."

ca'u xa sma jnve'eka?

ma'a xrxe