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Re: [engelang] Xorban Development

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Jorge Llambías <jjllambias@hidden.email> wrote:

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 2:45 AM, Mike S. <maikxlx@gmail.com> wrote:
> In your latest it might be slightly clearer to rename things:
> sentence := illocutionary-operator? formula
> formula:= predicate | operator formula

That sounds good. I will also fix the binary-misnomer, and I will
change g- to b- for the added agent slot:

sentence:= illocutionary-operator? formula

formula := predicate | unary-operator formula | binary-operator formula formula

binary-operator:= ( l | d | r | s | m | j ) V('V)*

unary-operator := n V('V)*

illocutionary-operator := c V('V)*

predicate := CCC*V('V)* (( k | f | b ) V('V)*)*

V := a | e | i | o | u

C:= b | c | d | f | g | j | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | t | v | x | z

Yeah, I think that looks better.  Remarkably simple.

> I just thought we needed a variable like "o'e" that was always going to
> bound to the "l- sm-" constant. I suppose "e'u" doesn't hurt anything, but
> it seems to me that peoplishness is pretty implicit in ncl-x1, so I question
> the need to tap into V'V-space for "e'u".

OK, let's remove it for now. Then we have:

a'a implicitly bound by la'a mslfa'a
e'e implicitly bound by le'e rslfe'e
o'e implicitly bound by lo'e smo'e
a'e implicitly bound by la'e je mna'aka'e mne'eka'e
V'i implicitly bound by lV'i csna'ekV'i

Okay. "a'e" is welcome; not quite sure how "V'i" works.  I see the binding, but how do "a'e" know exactly what "V'i" refer to?

> You haven't yet stated what Xorban argument structures are going to be
> like, but I assume that slots will be defined judiciously. One or two in
> most cases; common slot-types added via -K- suffixes. Maybe change -k- to
> -t- versus -g-.

I kept -k- but changed -g- to -b- instead. There better not be too
many common slot-types because we are soon going to be running out of

There's only a few slot-types but sure, we have to be careful.

>> Yes, that's the idea. Schwas can be inserted at will between consonants.
> Are there going to be any rules on where they will be inserted in the
> "standard" dialect and how they will be written, metalinguistically if not
> otherwise? FWIW I prefer /mëlt-/ to /mlët-/ for "cat".

or even /mëlët-/. The schwa is not meant to be phonemic, so wherever
the speaker chooses.

Can I interpret this to mean "we are not going specify phonotactics in detail right now"?  That's fine and for the best.  Phonotactic specifications are a dime a dozen.  There is much else to focus on.

>> > Some effort should be made so that changing one
>> > phoneme doesn't result in a valid root within a similar semantic
>> > category.
>> Yes. Although with numbers, that's just what happens.
> If we are going by Lojban, p/b are pretty close, as are m/n and s/z.
> Probably should assign three new numbers, or bolster (some or all) numerals
> to CC.

That may be a good idea. maybe for now let's use the consonants from
Lojban's rafsi: pv, rl, cb, vn, mk* , xv, zl, bv, sz, ns*
(I changed mm and nn, since nnnn already for the hundreds seems a bit too much.)

Now you have pv and bv :)  I don't know, how about this:
0 no -> n*
1 pa -> p*
2 duo -> dv*
3 tres -> tr
4 (made up) cf         
5 (made up) gl
6 six... -> sk
7 sieben -> zb
8 acht    -> xt
9 novem -> vm

1000 ki'o -> kyo -> kc

* these singles Cs don't occur in the other roots.  "dv" could be simplified to "d" as well if you want (I always have 'dv-' mean "two" in my language sketches).  Short roots are not random. 0 is going be common; 1 and 2 are the most common of the non-0 digits in that order.


Sorry for the IE bias.

> Should we start a dictionary? Perhaps we can put it up on that free wiki,
> keeping backups for safe keeping.

I might do that, if I can find where that wiki was.

Gleki Arxokuna suggested http://loccan3.wikinet.org/.  Presumably we could also create a http://xorban.wikinet.org so Xorban would have it's own space.  To be honest I don't know who runs wikinet.org or how stable it is, so with all due respect to Gleki I am not sure we should go there.

I could help you set up a Xorban blog on WordPress, and put the most up-to-date grammar on WP pages linked on the main menu (not blog posts, which is ephemeral).  That's the way I'd do it.  WordPress is like Yahoo.  It's not going away.

Lastly, it's possible that And's friends at LCS might set you up.  There are many options.  I am uncertain what's the right way to go.