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Re: [engelang] Re: [jboske] LoCCan3 development ideas.

Leonardo Castro scripsit:

> Has anybody ever created a conlang with
> (1) easy pronunciation (like Toki Pona),
> (2) possibility of unambiguous word-break detection,
> (3) unambiguous syntactic structure,
> (4) one morpheme per word?

Xuxuxi looks like this, though I never developed it far enough to get
into the syntactic structure.  The structural words are CV, and the
content words are CVCV..., so that satisfies #1 and #4.

Word-break detection is handled as follows:

1) All content words are stressed on the first syllable.

2) The vowel of the first syllable determines the possible vowels of
the remaining syllables, as follows:

Initial vowel           Medial vowels           Final vowel
      a                      a,e,o                  i,u
     e,i                     a,e,i                  o,u
     o,u                     a,o,u                  e,i

So the content words have vowel harmony in all vowels but the last,
which has vowel anti-harmony.  If the initial vowel is /a/, the harmony
is based on height; otherwise, it's based on frontness.  Thus "xuxuxi"
has two back vowels and a front one.

I forget the exact list of consonants, but there are enough so that
all content words, however rare, can be handled in two, three, or four

So (writing CAPS for stressed syllables), a stream of CVCVs like
paREboBIlomuguDUzamegiNUfabiLOrumi parses as "pa rebo bilo mu gu duzame
gi nufabi lorumi".

I Hope, Sir, that we are not                    John Cowan
mutually Un-friended by this                    cowan@hidden.email
Difference which hath happened                  http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
betwixt us.     --Thomas Fuller, Appeal of Injured Innocence (1659)