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Re: New Story

> I was thinking "journal" in the sense of
> "diary", for which you seem to have
> "dayri".  I would suggest that "deyhon"
> is more transparent and no more syllables
> than "dayri".  But "bloq" is a good deal
> shorter than "tonyadayri" or "tonyadeyhon".

At first thought it seemed a little too calque-ish, but I looked, and Eo and German, at least, 
do the same thing, so I'm convinced.  "tonyadeyhon" means blog, and so does "bloq," tho I 
think of the latter as being strictly an internet/computer thing.  Indeed, when it gets to 
where we have a Ceqli dictionary, "bloq" could be defined as "sta ginjal sa tonyadeyhon."