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Re: [ceqli] Re: new, young

> Those pages are a bit out of date. I'm doing current work at:

> http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/

Thanks for letting me know. That's very useful. It might be a good ideo to put a link at http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm to http://ceqli.pbwiki.com/, because if people google "ceqli" they'll just find http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm.

> "Old" seems a frequent enough word that I'd rather it be a reversal, so if we
> adopt stira/stari, jun can go.

Prefering reversals over "po" for frequent words makes sence, because this way we can avoid frequent words getting too long. But then "stari" is just as long as "pojun" and "jun" is shorter than "stira", so if we want frequent words to be as short as possible, "jun" and "pojun" should be prefered over "stira" and "stari".

What would you think about using "pojunxa" or "starixa" instead of "gil"?
