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Re: [ceqli] Interrogatives

I'm studying this

to see what Loglan notions I want Ceqli to incorporate.

First off, kyu > ku.  Acts like Eo cxu or Loglan ei.

ka calls for an argument, like Loglan hu:

zi ten ka.  zi sta ka.  What do you have.  Where are you?
zi bi ka?  Who are you?

But, I think, I need a word for 'which,' which isn't the same thing as asking
for a description.  Perhaps ki.

ciq tom hon.  Please take a book.  ki?  Which?  ki hon?  Which book?

Then there's a question like?

What book are you reading?

which, depending on context, could mean which book, or what (sort of) book?

If the first:

ki hon zi gi kan?  Which book are you reading?

to zi pa don sa hon.  the book you gave (me).

If the second:

ke hon zi gi kan?  What book are you reading?

tem kanin sa hon.   A book about dogs.

Which would make 'ke' call for a predicate, not an argument.

So, if I go with this, I have 

ka ki ke ku, leaving ko as a possible interrogative.

(I said before, we don't need a 'how many' form, because like your
'homeni', it can be made out of 'ke'

kesi hon zi ten?   How many books do you have?

So maybe 'ko' can be equivalent to Loglan 'ha', which asks for a connective.

zi vol kawa ko pani?   You want coffee or water?

Steve, is this a good idea?  Just how useful is Loglan 'ha'?  It's certainly
elegant, as in the example above, but it's also possible to make a construction
that would do the same thing without wasting a root.

On Feb 7, 2007, at 10:42 PM, li_sasxsek@hidden.email wrote:

> In the new system, interrogative 'kwa' has to go because it needs to
be in CV
> form. I propose 'ka'.

I say it would best to choose an initial like "k-" (< Romance), or "w-"
(< English) and derive the other forms from that so that they fit the

Here's another Sasxsek example to give you some ideas. They are the "H"

ho = (pron.) what; who
ho = (pro-v.) do what; "what's happening"
hi = (adj/adv.) what kind of; how

to ho = what is that? (lit: that what?)
fo ho = what are you doing? (lit: you what?)
fo hi dun = how are you doing? (lit: you how do?)

"where" is replaced by prepositional phrases
tu ho = where (lit: "at what")
mu ho = where; whence (lit: "from what")
fu ho = where; whither (lit: "toward what")

fu ho fo kin = where are you going?
tu ho fo tav = where are you?
mu ho go kin = where did you come from?

"when" is also replaced by prepositional phrases since to, tu and mu
don't distinguish space and time.
tu ho = when (lit: "at what")

Others are compounds
men = (plural marker, combines with "-i" when used as a
homeni = how many
tavo = place

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