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On Feb 7, 2007, at 10:16 PM, li_sasxsek@hidden.email wrote: I'm probably making too big a thing about this. Look at it this way. Some Ceqli predicates have no objects, some have direct objects, and some have a direct and indirect object. the order is: SVDoIo There will be no silliness like X weighs Y in units Z on planet A. That's why I obsess a bit over trying to have fewer roots than Loglan. The place structures there seem to demand a lot of roots. Like the 'talk' thing. 'Sey' is good, BTW, I think. sey - x says y to z go sey 'heyl' zi. I say hello to you go temsey kanin zi. - I talk about dogs to you. Rex May rmay@hidden.email 1-970-221-5528 Daily cartoon at: See some of my other cartoons at: |