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> I'm studying this > http://www.loglan.org/Loglan1/chap5.html#sec5.11 I basically see a need for two types of interrogatives. A question particle that changes a declarative into a question like Chinese "ma" or E-o "cxu" (in English do/does often fills this role). The other would be a placeholder word that asks the listener to fill in the blank. This would need to have different forms to fill the different grammatical roles it will fill within a sentence. > to see what Loglan notions I want Ceqli to incorporate. > First off, kyu > ku. Acts like Eo cxu or Loglan ei. > ka calls for an argument, like Loglan hu: > zi ten ka. zi sta ka. What do you have. > Where are you? I would tend to contruct this with a verb meaning "to be positioned" so that it would be "you positioned (at) what?" > zi bi ka? Who are you? This works fine. > But, I think, I need a word for 'which,' which isn't the same thing as asking > for a description. Perhaps ki. > ciq tom hon. Please take a book. ki? Which? ki hon? Which book? I really don't see a need here from a separate word. You could still have "ka hon?" "what/which book?" unless there is some real need to mark this as an adjective. > Then there's a question like? > What book are you reading? The same still applies here. "you read what book?" > which, depending on context, could mean which book, or what (sort of) book? > If the first: > ki hon zi gi kan? Which book are you reading? > to zi pa don sa hon. the book you gave (me). > If the second: > ke hon zi gi kan? What book are you reading? > tem kanin sa hon. A book about dogs. Could be clarified with a compound. you read what+theme book? you read what+one book? > Which would make 'ke' call for a predicate, not an argument. > So, if I go with this, I have > ka ki ke ku, leaving ko as a possible interrogative. > (I said before, we don't need a 'how many' form, because like your > 'homeni', it can be made out of 'ke' > kesi hon zi ten? How many books do you have? you have what-quantity book? > ... > zi vol kawa ko pani? You want coffee or water? A general interrogative sentence marker here could make sense. Or two sentences. We have coffee and water. You want what? or You want what of coffee or water?