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On 2/7/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
What I have in mind is a much less complicated version, probably more Mandarin/English than Loglan, thus go don ba zi. I give something to you.
Basically, it gives all Ceqli words a possibility of three places. Subject, object, and indirect object. I keep the be conversion because it increases vocabulary without increasing roots. I reject more complex conversions for obvious reasons. I want to extract all the advantages of Loglan while rejecting the disadvantages. To me, the place structure idea of Loglan was sort of a good idea run into the ground. But imitating the terseness of Eng/Mandarin is sentences like He gives me a book is a plus. Systematizing it as a place structure doesn't, I think, make it more complicated.
OK. Can you give us some more examples of more complex sentences where the direct and indirect oobject or both are a phrase of several words (one or more modifiers and a head), and see how often there might be ambiguity about where the direct object leaves off and the direct object starts? Or would a preposition be required to demarcate them whenever the DO and IO or both is more than one word? -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry