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Re: [ceqli] Place structure

On Feb 7, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Jim Henry wrote:

On 2/6/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> I'm beginning to think that the idea situation is that Ceqli predicates should, Loglanlike, have a set place structure:

No, please. Those place structures are one of the worst
features of Loglan and Lojban and the lack of them
is one of the more attractive features of Tceqli.

Please keep following.

What I have in mind is a much less complicated version, probably more Mandarin/English than Loglan, thus

go don ba zi.   I give something to you.

And only one conversion:

ba be don go zi.   Something is-given-by me to you.

And any word order outside of those to be handled by coverbs or prepositions.

go sila zi don ba.  I to you give something.

sila zi go don ba.  To you I give something.

Basically, it gives all Ceqli words a possibility of three places.  Subject, object, and indirect object.  I keep the be conversion because it increases vocabulary without increasing roots.  I reject more complex conversions for obvious reasons.  I want to extract all the advantages of Loglan while rejecting the disadvantages.  To me, the place structure idea of Loglan was sort of a good idea run into the ground.  But imitating the terseness of Eng/Mandarin is sentences like He gives me a book is a plus.   Systematizing it as a place structure doesn't, I think, make it more complicated.

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