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In the new system, interrogative 'kwa' has to go because it needs to be in CV form.   I propose 'ka'.

zi ten ka?   You have what?

and how about saying. Loglanlike, that 'ka'  is an argument of some sort:

da bi ka sa hon?   Whose book is that?

And it can have the -predicate- form 'kar'

zi kar?   What are you doing?

zi ten kar sa hon?   What kind of book do you have?

I can't quite grasp how to say "which book" with this, though.

For "how much" we don't need a new word, because we have 'si'

zi ten kar si hon?  You have what number/amount of books?

And for 'kyu', either ki or ku would work, I guess.

Rex May
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