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> Right now, Ceqli has a different type of tripartite position words, > as in Japanese and Spanish: > ci - here > ca - there by you > cu - yonder > Of these, only ci makes sense as a preposition: > ci dom, da dorm. At the house, he sleeps. > But, I realize, "sta" does the same job. > sta dom, da dorm. > Suppose Ceqli were to adopt sta-stay-staw, with the same > meanings as vi-va-vu. They would be prepositions, position markers, > just like the Loglan. Trouble is, they'd be verbs as well. > go sta dom. I'm at the house. > go stay dom. I'm near the house. > go staw dom. I'm far away from the house. The only problem with these, is the same as above. They all sound too much alike because of the intial "st-". Constructions like this have been one of my criticisms of Loglan/Lojban. > ... > go ci dorm. I sleep here > go ca dorm. I sleep near here. > go cu dorm. I sleep far from here. Again, too much alike. The sentence structure is fine but we need three words that are more unique. Maybe something like "zai" for "here", "tam" for "there" and "yen".