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Re: [ceqli] ser

On 1/18/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2006, at 9:45 AM, Jim Henry wrote:

> > "go kalapro" makes sense as shorthand for
> > "go kalafulupro", but "go kala" does not make
> > so much sense as shorthand for "go kalafulu".

> Agree!  I like that kalapro.   I think kalajin would mean a non-pro,
> right?

"kalajin" could signify merman/mermaid.  But maybe that
should be "jinkala" while "kalajin" signifies someone
non-professionally associated with fish?

Maybe you need a third morpheme to signify someone
habitually but not professionally involved with some
activity.  "jin" by itself is sometimes ambiguous,
as in this case.

In addition, "kalapro" is ambiguous between
"fish-merchant" and "fisherman".
Esperanto has "fisxvendisto" and "fisxkaptisto",
"fisxisto" being a more general term (maybe
for someone who sells the fish they catch themselves);
you could undoubtedly do something parallel here.
Of course "fisxkaptisto" is also slightly idiomatic
in that it may also refer to someone who primarily
catches crustaceans; you could avoid that
by using a more general term for "sea creature"
or "water animal" instead of the specific "kala".

Jim Henry