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Re: [ceqli] ser

On 1/14/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2006, at 6:16 PM, Jim Henry wrote:
> > On 1/14/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Jan 3, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Jim Henry wrote:

> it might be.   If 'kam' means work as a verb, it seems that 'to kam'
> ought to be clearly derivable from it.   I know how you're thinking,

Yes, there should be a way to derive nouns from verbs,
specifically a noun meaning 'the act of doing X'
and a noun meaning 'a person/entity who does X'
among other things.  Which of those is the primary
unmarked nominalization of a verb isn't so important
as for it to be consistent throughout the language.

> So, if 'jin' doesn't mean 'be a person,' it ought to have some sort
> of reasonable secondary verb meaning other than that, so as not to
> waste anything, so to speak, or maybe not if it's awkward.

"Be a person" seems like a reasonable verbal
meaning, but I see what you mean about it's
not being consistent with kam "to do" > to kam "deed".

> OTOH, I think a noun like 'pamo' could be allowed to act as a verb.
> go pamo da.   I am father of him.

And not "I beget him"?  There's not much
difference, to be sure.

> But can I say:
> ciba hon kanin.   This is a book about dogs.
> I don't think so.  Really too ambiguous.  You'd have to say 'ciba hon
> hu tem kanin.'

The latter is clearer, anyway.  The first,
"this [is] a dog book", sort of makes sense

> OTOH, in Ceqli, 'go kala' would mean 'i'm a fish,' so 'kala' can't
> really have the verbal meaning that it does in English.   That would
> have to be 'go kalafulu.'   I fish-catch.

Yes, "go kalafulu" makes much more sense.

> Well, at this point I feel talked back around to the Mandarin/English
> way of looking at things.   go bi jin.  go bi pamo hu da.  go kala.
> go bi kalapro.

"go kalapro" makes sense as shorthand for
"go kalafulupro", but "go kala" does not make
so much sense as shorthand for "go kalafulu".

Jim Henry