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Re: [ceqli] topic

On Oct 19, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Jim Henry wrote:

On 10/18/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:


And I'm thinking a pause would come instinctively anyway, to be
represented by a comma.

jin, xlaq pa tsanku.

pa tsanku jin, xlaq.

If the only VNN pattern allowed is VSO, shouldn't this

pa tsanku, xlaq jin.

No. I think I must have misread what you had before. The rule is SVOSV... where you can pick any string of three. SVO, VOS, or OSV. My thinking is that it is easier to keep in mind, going
always clockwise with

O  V

And that it certainly seems the instinctive way to do it to me:

The snake bit the man.

The man, the snake bit.

Bit the man, the snake.

Which is why I'm wanting the pause/commas in.

Rex May
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