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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@m...> wrote: ---SNIP--- > > zo also has the effect of an affectionate diminutive, like Johnny, I think. Names will continue > to have Ceqli forms, like ti kraun sulki beti, known to friends as kraunzo. This sounds fine, and is vaguely reminiscent of how they do this in Portuguese (and probably many other languages). It's more common than not to use a definite article before an initial reference to a proper name: "Onde esta o Rex?". Admittedly this doesn't mark Rex as a name but it at least marks it as noun-like, and demonstrates that the extra syllable doesn't trouble Portuguese speakers. > > And longer names can be treated by shortening with the zo. ti kiqo beti > kiqzo. This suggests that "zo" is not necessarily a diminutive marker. I can imagine hearing a newscast that would refer initially to "ti kraun sulky beti" but might thereafter refer to "sulkizo"...while in casual speech I might be referred to simply as "sulki". Or is that not the intent? ---Kraunzo