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Re: Names

Okay, here's how I think it ought to be:

Name marking is optional.  Names can be marked by ti, closed by beti when necessary.  zo 
will also have an informal name function, used to turn regular morphemes into names.  That 
is, the name is ti jan beti, but you can address him as janzo, or talk about him as janzo.

go xaw janzo padei.   janzo, ven ci!
go xaw ti jan beti padei.   ti jan beti, ven ci!

Making zo available for this function, I think, clears up the original problem of ambiguity, 
without insisting on the comparatively awkward ti/beti parenthesis in all cases.

zo also has the effect of an affectionate diminutive, like Johnny, I think.  Names will continue 
to have Ceqli forms, like ti kraun sulki beti, known to friends as kraunzo.

And longer names can be treated by shortening with the zo.   ti kiqo beti > kiqzo.

And now you can say
go duel japan. or ti japan, or ti japan beti, or japanzo.