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>> Go kom zu spun. I use a spoon to eat. >> Go zu spun. I eat with a spoon. > > Is that a typo for > > go zu spun kom. yes. oops. > >>> go dum <nominalizer> zu spun. >>> >>> because thinking about the use of spoons makes >>> more sense than thinking using a spoon (though not >>> by much). >> >> go dum zu spun >> would mean "I use a spoon to think." > > Yes, that's what I thought; thus the suggestion > about a nominalizer particle. > >> As for nominalizers, at this point I see the particle 'ke' as serving for >> that. It isolates the verb phrase so that the preceding verb can act on it. >> >> go dum ke zu spon. >> >> In answer to "zi zu kua kom jol?" "What will you eat the soup with?" would >> mean "With a spoon, I think." > > OK, good. > > >> Go kom ci baluqi. I eat this grapefruit. >> Go kom ci baluqi ci. I eat this grapefruit here. >> Go ci kom ci baluqi. Here, I eat this grapefruit. >> >> Expanding all three so as to eliminate all ambiguity: >> >> Go kom ci sa baluqi. >> Go kom ci sa baluqi sta ci. >> Go sta ci kom ci sa baluqi. > > What alternate ambiguous meanings would the above versions > without "sa" and :"sta" have? The ambiguity comes from the possible double meaning of ci, and I don't know how serious it might be. Go kom ci baluqi. Might be interpreted as I eat here a grapefruit. I eat a this-thing grapefruit. And go ci kom baluqi. Might be thought of as... actually, that one doesn't seem possibly ambiguous. > >> All this input is really clarifying my thinking. go fala zi! > > bu falaval. > > [Does that make sense? If not, what is the customary response > in ceqli?] I didn't have one thought up, but that's an excellent suggestion. > >> Visit my website at: >> http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ > > I just looked at your personal site for the first time. I'm puzzled about > > 1. why there's no link to the ceqli site (or the afewgoodkids.com site), and > > 2. why you're storing the ceqli stuff at geocities.com when > you have space at homepage.mac.com. It's not a lack of disk space, > is it? The ceqli pages - at least if you leave out the pictures, which are > kind of nice but not essential - are probably smaller than the > sum of the cartoon image files at the other site. > The geocities.com ad popups and ad side panel are annoying > enough that I think it would make sense to move the ceqli pages > to your other site, if possible. I have to learn how to do most of what you mention here. It's on my agenda. > > > ....More miscellaneous comments on the glossary: > >> baumgu forest n. > > What would signify "orchard"? Following the Esperanto pattern, it might be fruibaumjai. Fruit-tree-place. Or baumfaiun, tree-garden, or fruifaiun, fruit-garden. > >> truxo truth > > There is no entry for the root "tru". > >> terpom potato > > A calque of "pomme de terre" is poetic, but does it really > fit in a "logical" IAL? I more or less resorted to that because I couldn't find a good word to borrow, but you're right, of course. Hm, I just found Finnish peruna. That might be just the thing. > > >> fei can, is able > >> beberfei portable v. >> beslomfei breakable v. > > It looks like "fei" has the double sense of English "able", > which IMO is a bad thing for a logical IAL. > Esperanto distinguishes these senses as > "povi" and "ebla". Well, actually not, as I see it. fei means to be able, so a person is kanfei, (literate), able to read, while a book is bekanfei, (readable), able to be read. It was either that or use another root for the -able meaning, and this was discussed some time back and the consensus was that the be-word-fei form was more ceqli in spirit. > >> kraym crime > > Would "kanunbiaka" do just as well? Maybe that's too verbose, but > if you had a monosyllable for "law" and a suffix signifying "act > of violating X" then you could derive words for "crime", > "sin", "ungrammatical utterance", and so forth prety tersely. > Interesting thought. I like it. Maybe take "yur" (zhoor) from Portuguese jurisprudencia. Then yurbai. Legal, yurbia, illegal. yurbiaka, crime, yurbiajin. criminal person. yursin - lawless, -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Visit my website at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ Great leadership training for boys at: http://afewgoodkids.com Strange language from an alternate universe at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Texperanto.html