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Re: [ceqli] letter names

On 7/8/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> on 7/8/05 10:44 AM, Jim Henry at jimhenry1973@hidden.email wrote:
> > On 7/8/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> > And it may be too late for this (too many words in the
> > lexicon already to have collisions with), but an easy rule for remembering
> > letter names would be nice.  Something like
> > unvoiced consonants get a name which is the named consonant
> > plus "-al", while voiced consonants get "-un" -- or whatever
> > suffixes you might find that sound distinct and don't cause collision with
> > existing words.  That would keep
> > letter names fairly distinct for spelling out loud in noisy environments,
> > but be easy to learn and remember.
> Yes, there's got to be a middle ground somewhere.  Loglan has all names in
> -ei, I think, and -ai for capitals if I remember right, and that's not
> redundant enough.   Lojban just follows everything with schwa, also not
> redundant, and a danger of clashing with schwa-buffering.   And if you get
> redundant enough, there's a bit of a burden on the memory.    Here's a
> thought.  use -eu for all of them.   

How would that help?

>Eu being pronounced as in Esperanto
> neutrala.  Or maybe, following your notion, -eu for voiced and -ui for
> unvoiced.
> One final idea is to use the really unused -w.  I can't imagine what sound
> to assign to it that would be both pronounceable and obscure enough that
> we'd never need it for anything other than letters.  Maybe we could
> distinguish between a minimal schwa for buffering and a full schwa for -w.

I think adding yet another phoneme at this point is a bad idea.

I'm attaching a file with all the three-letter ceqli roots sorted
by their rime.  Maybe it will help you find a set of two or more
rime elements that you can apply to the cwaba consonants
with a consistent rule and not collide with existing words.

When I get more time I might try to write a program to find
such a system automatically  -- maybe next week sometime.

Jim Henry
ai	bai
ai	cai
ai	dai
ai	fai
ai	gai
ai	jai
ai	jai
ai	kai
ai	kai
ai	vai
al	cal
al	dal
al	fal
al	jal
al	kal
al	pal
al	sal
al	tal
al	val
am	bam
am	cam
am	jam
am	kam
am	pam
am	sam
am	sam
am	tam
am	xam
am	zam
an	dan
an	fan
an	fan
an	fan
an	gan
an	gan
an	jan
an	kan
an	pan
an	tan
an	xan
aq	baq
aq	daq
aq	faq
aq	jaq
aq	saq
aq	taq
aq	vaq
aq	xaq
aq	xaq
aq	xaq
ar	far
ar	gar
ar	jar
ar	kar
ar	par
ar	sar
ar	xar
ar	zar
au	bau
au	cau
au	dau
au	gau
au	jau
au	tau
au	xau
au	xau
ei	bei
ei	dei
ei	fei
ei	vei
ei	xei
el	bel
el	del
el	kel
el	kel
el	kel
el	pel
el	pel
el	sel
el	zel
em	cem
em	jem
em	pem
em	pem
em	pem
em	sem
em	tem
em	tem
em	zem
en	ben
en	ben
en	cen
en	den
en	fen
en	gen
en	pen
en	pen
en	ten
en	ven
en	xen
eq	beq
eq	ceq
eq	ceq
eq	jeq
er	ber
er	cer
er	ger
er	ger
er	ker
er	ker
er	ter
er	ver
er	xer
ia	bia
ie	fie
il	cil
il	dil
il	fil
il	gil
il	kil
il	til
il	til
il	til
il	vil
im	sim
im	sim
im	sim
im	tim
in	bin
in	din
in	fin
in	gin
in	jin
in	kin
in	sin
in	sin
in	xin
in	zin
iq	biq
iq	ciq
iq	ciq
iq	diq
iq	fiq
iq	jiq
iq	kiq
iq	piq
iq	siq
iq	tiq
iq	xiq
iq	ziq
ir	bir
ir	kir
ir	sir
ir	tir
ir	xir
ir	zir
iu	kiu
iu	siu
li	bli
li	sli
li	tli
lo	blo
lu	blu
lu	glu
lu	plu
lu	plu
lu	slu
ma	sma
ni	kni
no	sno
oi	coi
oi	doi
oi	joi
oi	koi
oi	toi
oi	voi
oi	zoi
ol	bol
ol	gol
ol	jol
ol	pol
ol	vol
ol	zol
ol	zol
om	bom
om	dom
om	kom
om	tom
on	bon
on	pon
oq	coq
oq	doq
oq	joq
oq	koq
oq	toq
or	cor
or	dor
or	jor
or	por
or	sor
or	tor
or	vor
pi	spi
ra	bra
ra	dra
ra	fra
ri	fri
ri	gri
ri	kri
ri	pri
ri	pri
ri	tri
ro	dro
ro	fro
ro	gro
ro	tro
ru	bru
ru	dru
su	tsu
ta	sta
ta	sta
ti	sti
tu	stu
ua	bua
ua	cua
ua	dua
ua	fua
ua	jua
ua	pua
ua	sua
ua	sua
ua	vua
ua	xua
ue	xue
ui	dui
ui	kui
ul	bul
ul	dul
ul	kul
ul	sul
ul	tul
um	cum
um	dum
um	gum
um	xum
um	zum
un	cun
un	gun
un	kun
un	sun
un	tun
un	xun
un	xun
un	xun
uq	buq
uq	buq
uq	duq
uq	fuq
uq	guq
uq	tuq
ur	cur
ur	dur
ur	sur
ur	xur