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Re: [ceqli] letter names

On 7/8/05, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
> I'm still agonizing over letter names.  How do these seem?
> pao
> beu
> tea
> doa
> kae
> geo
> feo
> vae
> seu
> zao
> xoa
> yea
> hei
> cae
> joe

They're fairly distinct from each other.  But for pronominal usage
I think monosyllables work better.

And it may be too late for this (too many words in the
lexicon already to have collisions with), but an easy rule for remembering
letter names would be nice.  Something like
unvoiced consonants get a name which is the named consonant 
plus "-al", while voiced consonants get "-un" -- or whatever 
suffixes you might find that sound distinct and don't cause collision with
existing words.  That would keep
letter names fairly distinct for spelling out loud in noisy environments,
but be easy to learn and remember.

Jim Henry