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Re: [ceqli] Names

Rex May - Baloo <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
All that works for names of countries.  BTW, we can also make it clear, if
necessary, that we're naming a country by using the haim.   Japanhaimzo.
Same applies to other geographical things.  Xikagoceqzo.  Chicago(city).
Same for rivers, mountains, states, etc.
Shouldn't these be Japanzohaim and Xikagozoceq? The forms listed above should refer to "Go-Bread-Country" and whatever the other one would parse as.

What am I leaving out?  And is there a problem with names like
Henri forduzo.  
Should it be henrizo forduzo?  Or do we need a particle that links the name
elements together.  Maybe a hyphen.
Concerning the idea of a leading name marker (?bezo), it introduces the problem of the name "Be."

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