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Re: [ceqli] Re: Xyen

On 5/22/05, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> I'm beginning to think that maybe the following vowel here is
> more important than the leading consonant.  I mean, for me,
> pwa, pwe, pwi
> are easy to say and hear, but pwo and pwu are not.

That makes sense.

> In like manner, tho maybe to a lesser degree, I find
>  cya, xya, sya
> rather better than cye, xye, sye.
> But not by much, so I'd decide to prohibit c/x/s+y.  There.  I just
> decided it.


> And prohibit at least the combos yi, wo, and wu.

Probably a good idea.  Maybe "ye" as well?  It was the one
that started this whole thread, after all.

> How's this list sound for cwaba?
> B+L, R, W, Y
> C+W
> D+L, R, W, Y
> F+L, R, W, Y
> G+L, R. W, Y
> H+L, R
> J+W
> K+L, R. W, Y
> P+L, R. W, Y
> S+F, K, L, M, N, P, R, T, W
> T+L, R, W, Y
> V+L, R, W, Y
> X+K, L, M, N, P, R, T, V, W
> Z+B, D, G, L, R, W, Y

That looks pretty good.  I like the way you rule out
anything except /w/ after the affricates, and everything but liquids
and semivowels after the stops.  I'm not so sure about /hr/ and /hl/, 

> And 2 nasals and liquids in any combination are permitted as
> long as they're bracketed by vowels.  A few n/l pairs are allowed
> to end a morpheme — A vowel must go before, but none is
> needed afterward:
> RN, RM  LN, LM

Why not RQ and LQ?

Jim Henry