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Re: abstractions

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> 
> Does anybody see any utility in this Loglan system?
> http://www.loglan.org/Articles/lepu-nardu.html

Not at this point. It fails the explain/maintain test, and I think more 
pedestrian, less "elegant" solutions to the issue will arise.


P.S. I liked your explanation of the etymology of the Ceqli word for 
'if' in the latest vocabulary (which I don't have in front of me): "It 
means 'if', believe it or not." That's fine. You're not trying to 
convince anyone of the rightness of the derivation, you're just 
saying that that's the way it is. The fact that you have derived it 
logically is secondary in the mind of someone learning the 
language, I believe.