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Re: abstractions

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "HandyDad" <lsulky@r...> wrote:
> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> 
> wrote:
> > Does anybody see any utility in this Loglan system?
> > http://www.loglan.org/Articles/lepu-nardu.html
> Not at this point. It fails the explain/maintain test, and I think 
> pedestrian, less "elegant" solutions to the issue will arise.

Good.  I agree.  I never quite saw what was going on with the Loglan 
anyway.  Moreover, the one 'po' abstraction is sort of covered by the 
work 'ke', which makes a sentence into a clause that can be 
manipulated like a noun phrase.

> P.S. I liked your explanation of the etymology of the Ceqli word 
> 'if' in the latest vocabulary (which I don't have in front of 
me): "It 
> means 'if', believe it or not." That's fine. You're not trying to 
> convince anyone of the rightness of the derivation, you're just 
> saying that that's the way it is. The fact that you have derived it 
> logically is secondary in the mind of someone learning the 
> language, I believe.

You know, that's exactly right.  Sort of thing that maybe belongs in 
an appendix.  Like a set of the connectives and a truth table, as in 
the Loglan version.