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Re: Possessives

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> 
> Another Loglan device I'm wondering about is:
> Lemi husfa.
> Can we, or should we, be able to say
> Togo dom, Tozi xyen, etc.
> Seems like togo dom means my house, but gode dom means 
a/some house/s of
> mine.  OTOH.
> Tago dom
> Seems to mean the latter, too.
> -- 

We should be able to say "to go dom" and "ta go dom" to 
suggest different degrees of specification.  I don't think "to go" 
and "ta go" etc. need to compound; they mean exactly what they 
ought to already.

I'm not worried that "gode" and "ta go" mean the same thing. 
Either subtle differences will arise and both forms will survive, or 
they won't and one won't.