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Re: Auxiliary verbs

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@m...> wrote:
> > > 
> > > "Da [paint] to dom vo go [help]."
> > 
> > Possible, sure:
> > 
> > Da pena to dom vo go pomo.
> The difference just hit me:
> Go pomo ke da pena to dom.
> I help her paint the house.
> Da pena to dom vo go pomo.
> She paints the house with my help.
> First sentence is about helping, second about painting.

Good! I don't know if Ceqli will need all these subtleties, but the 
fact that they seem to crawl out of the woodwork unbidden is a 
good sign.

Now, remembering the 'bread-eating man', how would we say:

'I help the woman who paints the house.':

"Go pomo xi ke pena to dom."
"Go pomo xi hu pena to dom."
"Go pomo to pena to dom de xi."


I'm asking all these hypotheticals in preparation for building drill 
