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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Rex May" <rmay@m...> wrote: > > > > > > > "Da [paint] to dom vo go [help]." > > > > Possible, sure: > > > > Da pena to dom vo go pomo. > > The difference just hit me: > > Go pomo ke da pena to dom. > > I help her paint the house. > > Da pena to dom vo go pomo. > > She paints the house with my help. > > First sentence is about helping, second about painting. > Good! I don't know if Ceqli will need all these subtleties, but the fact that they seem to crawl out of the woodwork unbidden is a good sign. Now, remembering the 'bread-eating man', how would we say: 'I help the woman who paints the house.': "Go pomo xi ke pena to dom." -or- "Go pomo xi hu pena to dom." -or- "Go pomo to pena to dom de xi." ? I'm asking all these hypotheticals in preparation for building drill sentences. --Krawn