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Re: [ceqli] Re: Connectives

on 2/27/04 7:01 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:

> Again, "hakay" will potentially be frequently used. How about a short
> synonym for it as well?

Yes.  Assuming "ha" is now "hi," the word would be "hikay", and, when you're
not being logically rigorous, but just following one claim with another,
"hi" will alone be a sufficient synonym for "hikay,"  I'd say "hikay" will
be rare, except when Poirot is summing up:)  That is, logically-rigorwise,

To xyen dorm hikay to felin pawja.   Is a statement that is not true unless
both halves of it are true.  but
To xyen dorm hi to felin pawja.      Is two statements.

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