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--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "HandyDad" <lsulky@r...> wrote: > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> > > > > e kay (esperanto) > > a va (persian 'and') > > o fi (English backwards) > > u seya (Spanish) > > > > so: > > > > noa xeva > > anoi vaxe > > > > and then "ha" can correspond to Loglan 'i', but not be required. > > > > And the Loglanistas among us can complete the series. > Someone said that > > normal English 'or' (not both) is some kind of negative version > of a > > connective. Ah, here it is > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ceqli/message/1037 > > > > Rob Speer said it's 'onoi', hence, "fixe" > > > > > > I'm glad I didn't have a chance to check in until you'd got to this > point. I think this is the best, by far! More natural, more > redundant. > > I thought some more about the 'modified modifiers' question, but > won't have time until tomorrow night, probably, to discuss. Going > to the Bare Naked Ladies concert downtown tonight with my son. Very glad to hear it! Now, the only remaining question about connectives is, do we like the "xe" bound particle, or can we just go ahead with "bu" compounds? noa xeva > buva anoi vaxe > vabu onoi fixe > fibu Since we've made these nice and terse, somehow the "bu" form seems more okay. Somehow. BTW, I just found a nice website that can help us out here: http://www.loglan.org/Sanpa/crib-notes.html I'm not going to copy it here, but we can look at it and prepare our own truth table. And, we need a version of ce, ca, co, cu noca, for connecting _within_ predicates, as the Loglanists put it. Since it's a small- scope connective, so to speak, it can take the forms: pikay, piva, pifi, piseya, bupiva, pivabu, pifibu. Rare usages, I expect, except for pikay. Intersentence connectives will of course be: hakay hava hafi haseya And I think we want to encourage the use of "ha" while not requiring it. Now, can we say that compounds of "ha" with morphemes other than connectives can express things like 'then' ("hafu"?)