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Re: Connectives

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> 
> on 2/25/04 8:44 AM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@m... wrote:
> > These damn connectives again.   Loglan has:
> > 
> > X e Y   and
> > X a Y   and/or
> > X o Y   if and only if
> > X u Y   whether or not
> > X noa Y  only if (I think)
> > X anoi Y   if
> > 
> > Now, for the moment we have:
> > 
> > e = kay
> > a = key
> > o = kaw
> > u = some longer word
> > noa = bukay
> > anoi = kaybu
> > 
> > Or, do we need a combing form for bu?

I find the derivation of some of these connectives devilish hard to 
hold on to. They just will not stick and seem highly 
counterintuitive when I encounter them...and it's hard for me to 
ignore the core morphemes that make up the compounds.

This was A-OK in Loglan, because the point was to see if a 
language could engender new thought patterns. But I don't think 
this is the point of Ceqli. We need those concepts, and others 
besides, but a strict logician's approach to deriving them yields 
some head-scratchers that the average guy in Kuala Lumpur or 
Fort Collins or Toronto will stumble over.

> Also, Loglan has 'forethought connectives' which sort of 
appeals to me.
> http://www.loglan.org/Loglan1/chap3.html#sec3.19
> I think we need a mechanism for this, but I have no idea how 
frequently one
> would need it.  Are there any Loglan people out there with an 

Yes, we need such mechanism. I actually do talk like JCB's 
examples in that chapter. But we may be able to press my 
favourite word, "sa", into service in this role as well. I'll think more 
on it tonight during halftime and see if I can come up with 

I don't think Ceqli has to be as far-reachingly logical as Loglan or 
Lojban; just sensible, easy, and predictable.
