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Re: [ceqli] Connectives

on 2/25/04 8:44 AM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote:

> These damn connectives again.   Loglan has:
> X e Y   and
> X a Y   and/or
> X o Y   if and only if
> X u Y   whether or not
> X noa Y  only if (I think)
> X anoi Y   if
> Now, for the moment we have:
> e = kay
> a = key
> o = kaw
> u = some longer word
> noa = bukay
> anoi = kaybu
> Or, do we need a combing form for bu?

Also, Loglan has 'forethought connectives' which sort of appeals to me.
I think we need a mechanism for this, but I have no idea how frequently one
would need it.  Are there any Loglan people out there with an opinion?

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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