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Loglan has these awful things: Table 5.3 The 27 Discursive Modifiers bea [beigh-ah] (bleka = 'look') For example/For instance (cf. piu) biu [byoo] (blicu = 'possible') Hence it is possible that buo [bwoo] (bufpo = 'opposite') However/In contrast/On the contrary cea [sheigh-ah] (cenja = 'change') That is/In other words ceu [sheigh-oo] (clesi = 'without') Anyway/In any case cia [shyah] (clika = 'like') Similarly/Like the foregoing coa [shoh-ah] (corta = 'short') In short/In sum/By way of summary dau [dah-oo] (dakli = 'probable') Hence it is probable that dou [doh-oo] (donsu = 'give') Given/By hypothesis/As assumed fae [fah-eh] (fanve = 'reverse') And vice versa (reverses the order of terms) fao [fow] (fando = 'end') Finally/In conclusion feu [feigh-oo] (fekto = 'fact') In fact/Actually/Indeed gea [geigh-ah] (genza = 'again') Again/I repeat kuo [kwoh] (kusmo = 'custom') Usually/Customarily kuu [kwoo] (kumtu = 'common') Generally/Generalizing from the above nao [now] (Eng. 'Now') Changing topics/(New paragraph) nie [nyeh] (snire = 'near') In detail/Looking closely pae [pah-eh] (prase = 'continue') And so forth/etc. piu [pyoo] (plizo = 'use') In particular/Applying the above (cf. bea) rea [reigh-ah] (frena = 'in front') Clearly/Obviously saa [SAH-ah] (sapla = 'simple') Loosely/Roughly/Simply speaking sii [SEE-ee] (simci = 'seem') Apparently/Evidently sui [swee] (sumji = 'sum') Also/Moreover/Besides/Furthermore/Too/In addition taa [TAH-ah] (trana = 'turn') In turn/In sequence toe [TOH-eh] (to = 'two') Respectively vau [vah-oo] (valti = 'jump') Skipping details zou [zoh-oo] (dzoru = 'walk') By the way/Incidentally I never liked them, because after straining like hell to make excruciatingly unambiguous constructions, they have these very vague CVV's that have a lot of grammatical impact without any evident structure at all. Well, not so in ceqli. First, attitudinals. Go froy ke zi sta ci. I'm happy that you are here. This isn't an attitudinal construction, though. What we need is an 'anti-ke' to make: Happily, you are here. The truth conditions are based on the truth of 'you are here'. "happily" only shows our attitude towards that fact. Again, it's a separate statement, of sorts. So: Perhaps xu as that particle. Froyxu zi sta ci. Happily, you are here. Bontalixu, zi sta ci. Unfortunately, you are here. And so on with such words as: stanaxu, Expectly, as expected. bonxu, goodly befirxu, frighteningly pofroyxu, unhappily carmxu. Charmingly peynxu , painfully surxu surely More to come. -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/book-GesundheitDummy.htm