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RE: [ceqli] Re: definite & indefinite articles

I'll tell how I have the articles organized in Minyeva, maybe it might be
helpful. I have five articles: te, da, ki, sao, and cai.

- te: the X previously mentioned. The word has to be introduced by one of
the other three articles (da, ki, sao). [TA, TB]
- da: a particular X that I have in mind. [AA, AC]
- ki: a generic instance of X. [TJ, TK, AB, NA, NB]
- sao: the one and only X, the X defined by Y. [TC, TD, TE, TI]
- cai: the one with the name X. [TG, NC]

not covered by these: TF, TH

In the sentence "I'm going to marry a swede", using da vs. ki for "a" gives
different meanings. The sentence "I'm going to marry da swede" means "There
is a particular swede I'm going to marry", while "I'm going to marry ki
swede" means "I'm going to find some swede someday and marry that person".

The meaning of "ki" is translated very idiomatically in English: sometimes
with "the", other times with "a", and other times with nothing at all. For

"Today we are going to study the tiger."
"You could get eaten by a tiger."
"Tigers are very dangerous."

So far, from your discussion of articles in ceqli so far, it looks like your
articles match up like this:

to = te
tuya = ki
(null)/# = da
?? = sao
ti = cai

I've done some preliminary frequency studies on my adjectives by looking at
texts from novels and counting up how many words in the texts would match up
to each article. Here is the count I came up with, sampling from Lord of the
Rings, Dune, and The Outsiders:

sao: 71
ki: 31
da: 23
te: 18

The distribution is mostly reducable (meaning, in smaller samples it usually
has about the same ratios).
Garrett Jones
