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Re: [ceqli] names

on 1/22/04 8:41 PM, Rex May - Baloo at rmay@hidden.email wrote:

> on 1/22/04 7:00 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:
>> Rex, could you translate the following into Ceqli for me?
>> "My doctor, Dr. Lou Chen, does not eat meat."
>> I'm most interested in
>> 1) how we represent two-part names (like first and last) as a unit;
>> 2) titles; and
>> 3) that grammatical thing where we identify and then re-identify
>> something (my doctor, Dr. Lou Chen).
>> I'd also be interested to see how this would differ from:
>> "My doctor, Dr. Lou Chen, and your doctor do not eat meat."
>> in the two scenarios where (a) my doctor is Lou Chen and (b) my
>> doctor and Lou Chen are different people.
> Whew!  Let's see:
> Gose hilpro, hu bi to hilpro tia lu cen kay zise hilpro,sca bu kom te karn.
(should be sa, above, not sca)

> My doctor, who is Dr. (non-Ceqli name) lu chen  and your doctor, they not
> eat meat.
> The alternate would be
> Gose hilpro, to hilpro tia lu cen kay zise hilpro, sa bu kom te karn.
> I pick 'tia' as the same as 'ti', only signifying a non-ceqli name to
> follow.
> To make it less ambiguous, we could close the to's and things:
> Gose hilpro, hu bi to hilpro tia lu cen betia beto behu kay zise hilpro, sa
> bu kom te karn.
> Don't know if I've discussed 'sa', which is a Poirot/Frenchism.  When you
> have a multiple subject, you can disambiguate by using 'sa' as the actual
> subject, which means "all the items in the preceding string".
> Now, insofar as hilpro is a title, I think it can be done this way ? to
> hilpro ti jan = Dr. John.
> And ti (or tia) can be 'closed' in the event of a long name:
> to hilpro ti jan juy jansean beti.
> Now, I think tia just means non-ceqli, but tio would allow you to specify
> what language the name is from:
> Tio hawayibol liliuokalani betio.
> All this make sense?  Suggestions?  Comments?


Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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