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Re: Random Thoughts

--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
> on 1/20/04 10:00 AM, HandyDad at lsulky@r... wrote:
> As we've reserved 'he' for such things, the basic names will be
> l - he luy ...
> he muy
> he nuy
> he ruy
> he quy
> he yuy
> he wuy
> and the vowels just
> he a
> he e
> he i
> he o
> he u
> If you agree here, I'll put them on the website.
Agreed. They don't roll trippingly off my tongue as yet (particularly 
when trying to spell "Larry" out loud) but the point is to have a way 
to do it, without using up some of the best and most-used morpheme 

Further, it seems likely to me that if the context has already 
established that I'm spelling something out (by virtue of presumed 
understanding by my listener or by a special marker), I might get 
away with omitting the 'he' marker on each vowel and weak.