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Re: [ceqli] Re: Random Thoughts

on 1/20/04 9:32 PM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote:

> --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
>> on 1/20/04 10:00 AM, HandyDad at lsulky@r... wrote:
>> As we've reserved 'he' for such things, the basic names will be
>> l - he luy ...
>> he muy
>> he nuy
>> he ruy
>> he quy
>> he yuy
>> he wuy
>> and the vowels just
>> he a
>> he e
>> he i
>> he o
>> he u
>> If you agree here, I'll put them on the website.
> Agreed. They don't roll trippingly off my tongue as yet (particularly
> when trying to spell "Larry" out loud) but the point is to have a way
> to do it, without using up some of the best and most-used morpheme
> shapes. 
> Further, it seems likely to me that if the context has already
> established that I'm spelling something out (by virtue of presumed
> understanding by my listener or by a special marker), I might get
> away with omitting the 'he' marker on each vowel and weak.

Sure.  Probably you'd say something like:

Go kyam ti bil, hu be spel he buy, i, luy behe.

Rex F. May (Baloo) 
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