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on 1/20/04 10:00 AM, HandyDad at lsulky@hidden.email wrote: > --- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> > wrote: > >> I'm agreed. Now, I think the best thing is to go with the original > (I >> think) set of names in Cuy. buy, cuy, duy, etc. For lower-case, > or default >> pronouns. For upper case, I see no reason not to just call > them ga buy, ga >> cuy, etc. For pronouns the default will almost always be all > that's needed, >> and the ga-series will be enough for virtually all instances. > > Great! The only times it's really important to distinguish > uppercase and lowercase is in spelling out names, unusual > words, and computer commands (in some systems like UNIX, > where it matters). So since most spelling is lowercase, that's the > better default. Police officers reading out license plates will know > they are uppercase. Or they could, in their own jargon, establish > uppercase as the default and use pi- for the little letters. > > The '-uy' names should work fine. Also, if we agree on the > suggested tone profile for multisyllabic words, then 'buwi' (2 > syllables) and 'buy' (1 syllable) will be even more distinct. > > If we ever need more than two anaphora for 'b' things in an > utterance then we shouldn't use them at all...who can keep > track? > > How are we fixed for names of vowels and weaks now? > As we've reserved 'he' for such things, the basic names will be l - he luy ... he muy he nuy he ruy he quy he yuy he wuy and the vowels just he a he e he i he o he u If you agree here, I'll put them on the website. > -- Rex F. May (Baloo) Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/book-GesundheitDummy.htm