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Re: [ceqli] Third-person pronouns.

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 08:16:08AM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> I like this system, too.  My only hesitation is that we would also need a
> set of highly redundant letter names for purposes of precision
> communication, as in the Alpha, bravo, etc. military 'phonetic' system.  But
> for true good redundancy we'd need to allow polysyllables.

Right, so have those too. Lojban has "alfas.bu", "betas.bu", and so on
as usable letters, in addition to abu, by, cy...

In Ceqli they'd probably have to be made-up words instead of the
alpha-bravo-charlie system, because it would be difficult to munge those
into single words.

Rob Speer