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Re: [ceqli] Third-person pronouns.

On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 04:39:37PM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> There will be fourteen such pronouns:
> b c d f g h j k p s t v x z
> The question is, how are these letters pronounced?  I'm inclined to think we
> should have maximum redundancy, but be monosyllabic.  baw, cay, dey, foy,
> guy, hya, jye , kyo, pyu, swe, twi, vwo, xwu, zyaw.  Maybe.
> Or not go for that and simply have.  buy, cuy, duy... figuring on the 'uy'
> diphthong having mimimal use elsewhere.

I'm in support of buy, cuy, duy... as I was before.
Rob Speer