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Re: [txeqli] Opposites

on 4/30/02 2:04 PM, Alexander Browne at alexbrowne@hidden.email wrote:

> I don't like the idea having an opposite-forming word (that's one of
> my least favorite features of Esperanto). I think opposites should
> either be two different words or two different modifications of one
> root. So I like your second idea, but not your first.

Of course we will have an opposite making word.  I mean, there are heaps of
words in English that have only oppisites made with un or some other prefix.
And we'll have pairs like big/small.   The question is the proportions.
A little planning ahead of time can produce a lot of reverse-opposites.
bel beautiful ble ugly.
> Rex F. May (Baloo)
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