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Re: [txeqli] Opposites

>> I don't like the idea having an opposite-forming word (that's one of
>> my least favorite features of Esperanto). I think opposites should
>> either be two different words or two different modifications of one
>> root. So I like your second idea, but not your first.
> Of course we will have an opposite making word.  I mean, there are 
heaps of
> words in English that have only oppisites made with un or some other 
> And we'll have pairs like big/small.   The question is the 
> A little planning ahead of time can produce a lot of 
> bel beautiful ble ugly.

I was ambiguous to the point of falsehood: I meant that I don't like 
Esperanto's (as I understand it) use of *only* the opposite making 
word for even the most basic concepts (e.g. big and small). Such a 
word is still useful, though, if only for greater choice.

I quite like the bel/ble idea, again as a convention, not a rule. This 
could be used for common words, and other vocab can just have 
opposites that are unrelated and formed with the 'un-' equiv.

Alexander Browne | alexbrowne@hidden.email
Saint Paul, Minn., U.S.